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How Does Massage Therapy Help Me?

Written By Holmes Chiropractic on May 6, 2024

a man getting a massage

Massage therapy offers significant physical and mental health benefits. Undergoing regular massage therapy can relieve pain, tension, and inflammation and promote relaxation. At Holmes Chiropractic, our chiropractor, Dr. Charina Holmes, specializes in non-invasive and drug-free pain relief, including chiropractic care, laser therapy, and massage therapy in Monterey Park, CA. Keep reading to learn more about how massage therapy can relieve back pain, neck pain, stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders. 

Relieve Pain and Inflammation

Undergoing regular or consistent massage therapy can stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and release pain-killing endorphins. After just one appointment, you will notice less pain and inflammation, and it will be easier to move around and take part in your regular activities. Over time, you will find relief from chronic pain and inflammation and enjoy improved overall health and wellness. 

Reduce Tension and Stress

All forms of massage therapy have been proven to relieve tension and stress. If you have anxiety and stress that prevents you from sleeping, working, or enjoying your hobbies, massage therapy can help. Dr. Holmes can address areas of pain and tension and promote stress management so that it is easier for you to go about your normal daily routine. 

Improve Mental Health 

Massage therapy can also improve your mental health. When you experience chronic pain and tension, it can take a toll on your mental and emotional health. Dr. Holmes can design a personalized treatment plan that combines massage therapy and chiropractic care to relieve pain, reduce stress and tension, improve sleep, and restore health so that you no longer feel tired, anxious, or depressed. 

Promote Relaxation and Healthy Sleep Patterns

Finding relief from chronic pain through massage therapy will help you restore your healthy sleep patterns. Dr. Holmes can offer stress relief and relaxation through massage therapy and make it easier for you to fall asleep at night and stay asleep. When you’re getting enough sleep, your body will have the energy it needs to maintain your health and wellness and fight illness and disease. 

Schedule an Appointment for Massage Therapy

If you’re ready to learn more about the benefits of massage therapy in Monterey Park, CA, visit us at Holmes Chiropractic. Dr. Holmes and her team will design a highly individualized treatment plan that combines chiropractic care and massage therapy. Our treatment can relieve pain and inflammation, promote healing, reduce stress and tension, improve mental health, and improve your overall quality of life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

Posted In: Massage Therapy